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Winners of the II Construction Photography Contest

First prize and Special prize "The last line"

1er premio Concurso de Fotografía de la Construcción Pol Viladoms "La última línea"
Pol Viladoms

Author: Pol Viladoms Claverol (Barcelona) · Architect and self-taught photographer.

Date and location of the photo: July 17, 2022 Mojacar (Almeria)

Details: Hasselblad 500CM · ISO100 · Carl Zeiss Planar 80mm · 1/250 f11

"Architect by profession and self-taught photographer, I decided some years ago, combine both disciplines. I have always been interested in the documentation of the territory in its broadest sense; making special mention of architecture, as an identity and cultural symbol.

I found this image by chance driving through Almería and I decided to stop at a half-built building on the side of the road. I started to walk between the concrete pillars, not really knowing what I was looking for... And suddenly, a composition of simple shapes emerged where everything seemed to be in its place. A lapse of the construction process turned into sculpture, a pictorial image of the relationship between human beings and nature in a world of a disturbing and uncertain future".


Second prize "Scaffold"

2n premi Concurs de Fotografia de la Construcció
Carlos González

Author: Carlos González Sánchez (León) · Hospital orderly in León.

Date and location of the photo: April 22,2023 Nuremberg (Alemanya)

Details: Sony DSC-RX100M6 · ISO125 · 134 mm · 1/250 f4.5

" My father was a photographer in Salamanca and, although late, I started with photography and I have not left it. Last year they gave me two awards: The Day of the Museums of the Museo de León and one of the acquisitions of Camarote Madrid. I have always loved architecture and in fact I have several architect friends. A lot of my photography is focused on architecture in some way, and urban photography. That's why I like the contest.

The photograph "Scaffolding" is a clear example of being on the site and at the right time. And although it seems like I'm "buttering up myself", when I shot I told my daughter that she already had the photo that she would send to the architecture competition."


Third prize "AVE"

3er premi Concurs de Fotografia de la Construcció
Carlos de Cos

Author: Carlos de Cos Azcona (Soraluze - Guipuzkoa) · Manufacturing inspector at a cold stamping company and amateur photographer.

Date and location of the photo: Juny 7, 2023 Atxondo (Bizkaia)

Details: Nikon D850 · ISO100 · 175 mm · 1/1600 f2.8 "I like to participate in photography contests, I found out about this contest on a page and I didn't hesitate, the subject is super open.

I opted for this photo because it mixes the latest technologies with the technology of a lifetime, " the human". I also liked the appearance of the sky announcing a storm that arrived a few minutes later, which makes this job much harder."



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