In response to the current health crisis, Archs Constructora has exhaustively analysed each work centre, working with the health and safety service and its own customers, and has also taken into account the government guidelines being implemented.
That is why work has stopped in relation to several of the current projects. For those projects that are still going ahead, the following measures have been taken to ensure that the health of the workers is protected.
Use of gloves and a mask is mandatory outdoors.
Maintenance of a social distance of between 1 and 2 metres.
All workers have their temperature taken each day.
Working hours are from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Soap dispensers have been placed next to all water points on the site.
Restriction on the use of construction huts.
Those who can telework are encouraged to do so.
Teleworking is mandatory for those workers at most risk.
Sales visits have been cancelled.
Meetings are conducted via videoconferencing.
Daily ventilation of closed spaces in sites and offices.
Increased frequency of cleaning and disinfection of the offices and construction huts.
Be on the alert for people with a fever or cough, and send them directly to the Medical Service.
Comply with the recommendations announced at all times by the health authorities.
We look forward to an improvement in the pandemic and the reopening of all the work centres. Archs Constructora, of course, wants everyone to comply with the instructions given by the health authorities, and we are grateful to all the health personnel and other occupations that need to continue working to keep the essential services running. Archs Constructora hopes that this pandemic will end soon and that the country’s economy can be rebuilt in the fastest and most intelligent way possible.